Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The future of Wilson Street?

This passage from a book by crime writer Robert Crais describes how Wilson Street could look in 10 years time if this kind of unthoughtful overdevelopment goes ahead:

"It was one of those older areas where single-family homes had been scraped away a house at a time, replaced by four- or six-unit apartment buildings built on the cheap by heirs, retirees, or doctors looking for a positive cash flow. Now the street was lined by small buildings that looked like they had been designed on paper napkins while everyone laughed about how much money they would make. Dana's building looking like a Big Mac carton."

Excerpt from
The Forgotten Man by Robert Crais, p131

(Wilson St already has it's own Big Mac carton, approved by Moreland Council - see if you can spot it next time you're here.)